Friday, September 30, 2011

My September Ends With A New Beginning

September 30, 2011, last day of such a challenging month that has encouraged me take a step higher in my commitment towards sharing my thoughts, my various parenting style, simple pleasures that sometimes others would not consider benefiting from, and even on places and culture that the City of Smiles can offer.

I started blogging as a hobby, a stress-reliever and mainly a channel to air my opinion that I felt was not being heard because I am just a “commoner”.  First, I started with an anonymous blog. I felt that I can speak freely without fearing that I may be criticized, ridiculed and be categorized as a non-sense blogger. But then I realized that nobody has the right to question my points of view because it’s mine and nobody else’s.  For as long as the opinion is written in an objective manner, I believe that there is no reason for anyone not to respect it.

When my blog from a different publishing platform hit 1,000, I felt that my views mattered after all. I would feel elated when friends would leave comments that they may share the same thoughts but the jackpot would always be when they tell me that they got something out the article.

As I start my blog here in, rest assured that I would always do my best to post articles that deal with the everyday life, concerning the people who chose mediocrity just so to survive the daily grind, and other unnoticeable subjects that are left out but can actually be of benefit.

While I continue my journey in the blogging world, this time in my original home which is, I hope to inculcate valuable ideas and concepts that would be most useful.

I am Remilyn Ibrado-Bayog, 38 years old, a wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister, a friend and now trying to become a full-fledged blogger.

You may want to check out some of my blogs from previous blog tools so I took the liberty to post the links here. Enjoy reading!